No Mercy In Meereen | Episode 4

No Mercy In Meereen | Episode 4

Gawr Weg Dun Mawr Dun was a creature of the Frozen Shore of Westeros, but he had, with the indulgent complicity of his comrades, long since ‘gone native’ and begun dressing Meereenese style. He wore hideous, blousy pants of a dozen different colors, calf high sandals and a painted vest. At least a dozen steel and ceramic plates were sewn into the vest, front and back, like lammelar armor of old.

No Mercy in Mereen | Episode 1

No Mercy in Mereen | Episode 1

Five Brazen Beasts sprawled dead or dying beneath a persimmon tree in vast clay pot, their faces covered in the traditional bronze-colored masks of Meereen’s ancient city watch, all splashed with gore and gasping their last.