by Swingin' Dick | Jun 3, 2018 | Stuff and Things
Gawr Weg Dun Mawr Dun was a creature of the Frozen Shore of Westeros, but he had, with the indulgent complicity of his comrades, long since ‘gone native’ and begun dressing Meereenese style. He wore hideous, blousy pants of a dozen different colors, calf high sandals and a painted vest. At least a dozen steel and ceramic plates were sewn into the vest, front and back, like lammelar armor of old.
by Swingin' Dick | May 29, 2018 | Rogues Gallery
Weapon Outfitters is a small American business in the Pacific Northwest. They have excellent taste in equipment and an admirable eye for those who display their ordnance.
by Swingin' Dick | May 24, 2018 | Rogues Gallery
Scrimshaw has been around since before recorded history. Likewise other methods of carving, inlay, and edge-wrought adornment. We can’t imagine that too many people in all that time were more skilled than this man: the Bone Carver, of Columbia, South Carolina....
by Swingin' Dick | May 21, 2018 | Arms and Armor
If you’re looking for AK wood furniture (or AKM wood furniture), there are several places to look. But ya gotta start with Rifle Dynamics. They have hand-finished, custom prepared, specially fitted wood at that! For Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, and other AKs, AKMs, etc.
by Swingin' Dick | May 13, 2018 | Stuff and Things
Five Brazen Beasts sprawled dead or dying beneath a persimmon tree in vast clay pot, their faces covered in the traditional bronze-colored masks of Meereen’s ancient city watch, all splashed with gore and gasping their last.