by Swingin' Dick | May 21, 2018 | Arms and Armor
If you’re looking for AK wood furniture (or AKM wood furniture), there are several places to look. But ya gotta start with Rifle Dynamics. They have hand-finished, custom prepared, specially fitted wood at that! For Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, and other AKs, AKMs, etc.
by Swingin' Dick | May 13, 2018 | Stuff and Things
Five Brazen Beasts sprawled dead or dying beneath a persimmon tree in vast clay pot, their faces covered in the traditional bronze-colored masks of Meereen’s ancient city watch, all splashed with gore and gasping their last.
by Swingin' Dick | Apr 11, 2018 | The Morningwood Bazaar
Thyrm has declared for House Morningwood! All Thyrm products are now available at a hearty discount to our supporters on Patreon. You’re welcome.
by Swingin' Dick | Jan 1, 2018 | Stuff and Things
The Morningwood Bazaar is a sprawling, wonderful marketplace full of tactical goodness. Only those sworn to House Morningwood and members of the Tactical Alliance can shop there.