The Spyderco Native is among my top five knife designs on planet earth (incidentally, this knife is marked as being made in “Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. Earth). It is that good!

The Spyderco Native is among my top five knife designs on planet earth (incidentally, this knife is marked as being made in “Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. Earth). It is that good!
While the Seax blade is new for Emerson, as Ernie points out, it is not a new concept, having been used back in Viking times. Ernie has been a fan of Viking weapons and tools for many years, and this prompted him to pay homage to this blade design, which was originally used by Vikings in a fixed blade configuration.
The Ontario RTAK II field knife is a beast. Use it for chopping, sharpening, or like a machete or hatchet. It could also be a respectable defense weapon. It will give you shelter, fire, and protection and it makes a nice addition to the bugout bag.
The Emerson Roadhouse is a badass tactical folding knife that performs utility duties and effectivly functions as a defensive weapon if needed.